Make your plans now to attend the Great Northwest Field Youth Conference in May 2024!
Hosted on the campus of Northwest Nazarene University in Nampa, ID, the GREAT is going to be a gathering of students from across the Northwest Field to engage in worship, fellowship and discipleship as we all join together as one Church to pursue Jesus together! This youth conference will feature incredible speakers, powerful worship, fun activities and a chance to make amazing memories.
This youth conference for our entire Northwest Field will be a mini-NYC, but with our own Great Northwest feel. Inspiring speakers, deep worship experiences and awesome fun are the cornerstones of the weekend. We also will have the campus of Northwest Nazarene University all to ourselves!
The GREAT will take place May 24-27. Event registration and move-in will begin on Friday night, May 24, kicking us off for an amazing three-day event. Registration, meals, lodging, giveaways, and activities while on NNU’s campus are included in the cost of the event. Registration can be completed as groups or separately, but let us know as soon as possible that you are planning to be there! Registration at the regular rate closes on Friday, April 26.
Our Northwest Field Quizzing competition will also be happening as a part of this conference, and we can’t wait to celebrate and cheer for our amazing Northwest Field Quizzers as a part of this conference!
See you soon at the GREAT Northwest Field Youth Conference 2024!
Registration for this event is $150.